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Pain Relief

Prevents the occurrence of epileptic seizures, allodynia and hyperalgesia, and especially the pain response in different models of neuropathic pain. In addition,it reduces the pain response to peripheral inflammation, but does not affect the immediate behavior caused by pain.

Neurontin Neurontin
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Blood Pressure

Lisinopril is an antihypertensive, vasodilating, cardioprotective drug, an ACE inhibitor that is used to treat hypertension, heart failure, acute myocardial infarction, diabetic nephropathy.

Lisinopril Lisinopril
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An antidepressant used in cases of deep depression, panic disorders, social anxiety disorders, anxiety disorders. The mechanism of its action is based on the ability to selectively block the reuptake of serotonin by the presynaptic membrane of the neurons of the brain. Consequently, its serotonergic effect in the central nervous system that is responsible for the development of antidepressant effect, increases, which determines the effectiveness in the treatment of panic and social anxiety disorder.

Lexapro Lexapro
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Stop Smoking

Any dependence of the body on external influences is considered as human weakness and drug addiction. Perhaps one of the most common is nicotine addiction. Zyban helps to overcome it.

Zyban (Extended Release) Zyban (Extended Release)
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stimulant of the intestinal peristalsis. Motillium is assigned in cases of: distention, overeating, vomiting, heartburn, flatulence, a feeling of overflow of the stomach.

Motilium Motilium
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Glucophage SR is taken at the Diabetes mellitus of type 2 at adults (including inefficiency of group of sulphonylurea), especially in cases which are followed by obesity.

Glucophage SR Glucophage SR
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Buspar - a partial agonist of serotonin and dopamine receptors - it has anxiolytic effect. Unlike benzodiazines buspirone does not suppress psychomotor function, or causes its small suppression; in moderate doses does not exponentiate effect of alcohol. It does not render somnolent, relaxant or antiepileptic effect.

Buspar Buspar
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Atarax - renders spasmolytic, sympatholytic and soft analgesic effect. Under the effect of the drug it is increased the general duration of a dream, reduction of quantity and duration of night awakenings, decreases the muscle tone, it does not cause memory disturbance. It isn't reffered to CNS depressants, but can oppress the activity of separate zones of subcrustal area. It possesses antihistaminic and bronchodilating effect. In usual therapeutic dose the drug has no effect on secretory and acid-forming. It is effective in treatment of itch at various allergic dermatitis, urticaria and eczema.

Atarax Atarax
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The medicine is blue or white tablets, the dose of the active substance is 75, 100 and 150 mg. Tablets have the bitter taste and a slight anesthetic effect on the oral mucosa. Pills may be quickly dissolved in water. Bupron is a second-generation antidepressant. Its effectiveness as an anti-nicotine drug is based on the suppression of psychological dependence on nicotine (nicotine dependence), as well as on the direct antidepressant effect, which reduces the negative manifestations that appear when a person gives up smoking.

Bupron SR Bupron SR
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Women's Health

An anti-climax combined drug which has estrogenic and gestagenic effect, restores the balance of endogenous hormones.

Estrogens regulate the development of the female reproductive system functions’ preservation, the formation of female secondary sex characteristics. The list of indications includes: vasomotor symptoms associated with estrogen deficiency in the body, osteoporosis associated with estrogen deficiency, atrophic urethritis and atrophic vaginitis.

Provera Provera
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Asacol, which is mesalamine - derivative of 5-aminosalicylic acid. It is prsecribed for treatment and remission maintenance at patients with ulcer colitis (earlier known as nonspecific ulcer colitis) of mild and moderate type.

Asacol Asacol
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Pain Relief

Voveran SR is the special formulation of Voveran, developed for the suspended release of its active ingredients and, consequently, a prolonged period of action. Apart from this feature, it has no notable characteristics differentiating it from the original medicine – an analgesic that provides satisfying results in the treatment of moderate pain syndromes. It helps with a wide range of painful conditions allowing patients to stop the pain before it grows stronger or control it in case of chronic joint diseases. In general, the new form provides better results in particular in the treatment of prolonged pain.

Voveran SR Voveran SR
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Eskalith - mood stabilizing agent (normalizes a mental state, without causing the general block), renders also antidepressive, sedative and anti-maniacal action. It is prescribed at maniacal and hypomaniacal states of various genesis, affective psychoses, alcoholism, migraine, Menyer's syndrome, sexual frustration, medicinal dependence.

Eskalith Eskalith
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Pain Relief

A blocker of H1-histamine receptors of the first generation, derived from ethanolamine; eliminates the effects of histamine, mediated through this type of receptors. Promotes the local anaesthesia (when intaken, there is a short numbing of the mucous membranes in the mouth) - only in high doses, it blocks m-cholinergic receptors in the central nervous system, has sedative, hypnotic, antiemetic and antiparkinsonian effects. The therapeutic indications include: allergic conjunctivitis, allergic rhinitis, chronic urticaria, pruritic dermatoses, dermatographism, serum sickness.

Motrin Motrin
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Pain Relief

Etodolac - has an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic effect. The medicine is prescribed in case of rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, arthrosis with pain syndrome and restriction of movements, acute and chronic osteoarthritis.

Etodolac Etodolac
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Aciphex - the medicine, normalizing acidity of a stomach, inhibitor of a proton pomp. It is prescribed at gastroduodenal ulcer in the exacerbation phase, gastroesophageal reflux disease; states which are characterized by pathological hyper secretion including Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. In combination with bactericide - Helicobacter pylori eradication at patients with gastric ulcer or chronic gastritis; treatment and prevention of recurrence of an ulcer at patients with gastric ulcer related to Helicobacter pylori.

Aciphex Aciphex
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Heart Disease

Cardizem, derivative benzothiazepine, has anti-anginal, antiarrhytmic and hypotensive effect. It is prescribed at arterial hypertension: after myocardial infarction, at patients with accompanying stenocardia when beta adrenoblockers, are contraindicative at patients with diabetic nephropathy, in cases when ACE inhibitors are contraindicated; angina of effort, Prinzmetal's angina; prevention of a coronary spasm when carrying out a coronary angiography or operation of aortocoronary shunting.

Cardizem Cardizem
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Heart Disease

Pharmacological influence of Calan is explained by braking of a flow of calcium ions through the slowed-down calcic tubules of cellular covers of smooth muscle structure of vessels and a cardiac muscle. Calan is prescribed if it was diagnosed paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (except WPW syndrome), sinus tachycardia, premature atrial contraction, blinking and atrial flutter, stenocardia (inc. stress, postinfarction), arterial hypertension, hypertensive crisis, idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

Calan Calan
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