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An antimicrobial agent from the nitrofurans group, especially suitable for the treatment of urinary tract infections and prevention of infections after urologic surgery or examinations (cystoscopy, catheterization, etc.). The medicine disrupts the permeability of the cell membrane and protein synthesis in bacteria.

Macrobid Macrobid
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Women's Health

An anti-climax combined drug which has estrogenic and gestagenic effect, restores the balance of endogenous hormones.

Estrogens regulate the development of the female reproductive system functions’ preservation, the formation of female secondary sex characteristics. The list of indications includes: vasomotor symptoms associated with estrogen deficiency in the body, osteoporosis associated with estrogen deficiency, atrophic urethritis and atrophic vaginitis.

Provera Provera
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The antifungal agent which has activity against dermatophytes, yeasts, dimorphic fungi and eumycetes. It is also active against staphylococci and streptococci. The therapeutical indications of the drug include: mycoses of the gastrointestinal tract, eyes, genital organs, chronic recurrent vaginal candidiasis, dermatomycosis, onychomycosis, Candida, folliculitis, dermatophytosis, systemic fungal infections (blastomycosis, candidiasis, paracoccidioides, coccidioidomycosis, cryptococcosis, histoplasmosis, hromomikoz, sporotrichosis, paronychia, fungal sepsis, fungal pneumonia); leishmaniasis; tinea versicolor, prevention of fungal infections in patients with a high risk of their development. The mechanism of action is inhibition of fungal membrane ergosterol synthesis and the violation of the cell wall permeability.

Nizoral Nizoral
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General Health

Antiepileptic agent. The use of Lamictal reduces the pathological activity of neurons without inhibiting their function. Stabilizes the neuronal membranes by affecting Na + channels, blocks excessive release of excitatory amino acids (mainly glutamate), without reducing its normal release.

Lamictal Lamictal
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Co-Amoxiclav - co-formulated antibacterial agent, combine of bactericidal antibiotic of a broad spectrum of activity, from a group of semi-synthetic penicillin - Amoxicillin and Betalactamase inhibitor.

Co-Amoxiclav Co-Amoxiclav
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Blood Pressure

Zestoretic - tablets containing 12,5Mg of Hydrochlorothiazide and 10Mg of Lisinopril, as active ingredients. It is hypotensive, vasodilating, natriuretic, cardioprotective medical preparation.The drug is used to treat arterial hypertension, also in order to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality in patients with hypertension and left ventricular hypertrophy, manifesting cumulative reduction in the incidence of cardiovascular death, incidence of stroke and myocardial infarction.

Zestoretic Zestoretic
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Biaxin - antibacterial agent of group of macroleads, semi-synthetic derivative of erythromycin. Biaxin is prescribed for treatment of infectious processes caused by flora, sensitive to it: sinusitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis; folliculitis, streptoderma, erysipelatous inflammation, staphyloderma; bronchitis, community-acquired or hospital-acquired pneumonia; infections of dentoalveolar system; local or widespread mycobacterial infections caused by Mycobacterium intracellulare or Mycobacterium avium; in a complex of medicine oppressing acidity of a gastric acid for eradication of Helicobacter infection.

Biaxin Biaxin
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Ceftin - the antibiotic cephalosporin, is prescribed for treatment of Bacterial infections caused by sensitive microorganisms: respiratory diseases (bronchitis, pneumonia, abscess of lungs, a pleura empyema, etc.), ENT organs (sinusitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, otitis, etc.), urinary tract (pyelonephritis, cystitis, asymptomatic bacteriuria, gonorrhea, etc.), skin and soft tissues (face, pyoderma, impetigo, furunculosis, phlegmon, a wound fever, diamond-skin disease, etc.), bones and joints (osteomyelitis, septic arthritis, etc.), small pelvis (endometritis, adnexitis, cervicitis), sepsis, meningitis, Lyme desease (borreliosis), prevention of infectious complications at operations on Thoracic organs, abdominal cavity, pelvis, joints inc. at operations.

Ceftin Ceftin
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Floxin - antimicrobic broad-spectrum agent from group of fluroquinolone. It is active concerning the microorganisms producing beta lactamelements and fast-growing atypical mycobacteria. It is taken at respiratory infection, the ENT organs, skin, soft tissues, bones, joints, abdominal cavity, urinary tract.

Floxin Floxin
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Tricor - is a hypolipidemic agent, has an uricosuric and antiplatelet effect. In combination with diet therapy, the drug is prescribed for a long-term treatment, the effectiveness of which must be periodically checked by determining serum lipid levels.

Tricor Tricor
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Amaryl - a medicine of group of sulphonylurea, the peroral hypoglycemic medicine. It has an initially prolonged effect. The mechanism of action consists in stimulation of secretion and release of insulin from beta cells of a pancreas (pancreatic effect). It also increases sensitivity of fatty and muscular tissues to effect of insulin (extrapancreatic effect).

Amaryl Amaryl
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Blood Pressure

Adalat, which is nifedipine - belongs to hypotensive medicine with antianginalny activity. Blocking calcic channels, an active component of Adalat (nifedipine) causes decrease in intracellular concentration of ions of calcium in smooth muscle cell of intima of vessels and cardiocyte, causing vasodilatory action - in particular, on coronary vessels. As a result of decreases systolic blood pressure, falls TPR and decreases afterload on cardiac muscle. Except for normalization of a coronary blood flow, Adalat promotes pressure decrease in system of pulmonary artery, improves cerebral haemo dynamics. Long-term taking of medicine guarantees anti-atherogenous action, prevents thrombocyte aggregation.

Adalat Adalat
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Men`s Health

An antimicrobial agent from the fluoroquinolone group. It has a broad spectrum of antibacterial action. The therapeutical indications include bacterial infection of the urinary tract (pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis), genitals (prostatitis, cervicitis, endometritis), gastrointestinal tract (salmonellosis, shigellosis), uncomplicated gonorrhea. Also used to prevent infections in patients with granulocytopenia, diarrhea of travelers.

Noroxin Noroxin
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Pain Relief

Thiol derivative, a competitive hypoxanthine antagonist, has an immunosuppressive and cytostatic effect. It is used for prevention of rejection reaction in kidney transplantation, treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, chronic active hepatitis, SLE, dermatomyositis, periarteritis nodosa, acquired hemolytic anemia, gangrenous pyoderma, psoriasis, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis and myopathy.

Imuran Imuran
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Men`s Health

Uroxatral - Alfuzosinis an active substance, as an antagonist of the α1 adenogenetic receptor, this drug relaxes the muscles of the prostate and the bladder. Used in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Reduces pressure in the urethra and reduces resistance to urine flow, eases urination and eliminates dysuria.

Uroxatral Uroxatral
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Blood Pressure

Exforge the combined antihypertensive which includes amlodipine and valastran. Valsartan - a specific blocker of AT1 receptors of angiotensin II. Amlodipin - calcium channel blocking agents of III generation, inhibits transmembrane receipt of Ca2+ in cardiomyocytes and smooth muscle cells of vessels, by weakening them.

Exforge Exforge
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Heart Disease

Cardizem, derivative benzothiazepine, has anti-anginal, antiarrhytmic and hypotensive effect. It is prescribed at arterial hypertension: after myocardial infarction, at patients with accompanying stenocardia when beta adrenoblockers, are contraindicative at patients with diabetic nephropathy, in cases when ACE inhibitors are contraindicated; angina of effort, Prinzmetal's angina; prevention of a coronary spasm when carrying out a coronary angiography or operation of aortocoronary shunting.

Cardizem Cardizem
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Heart Disease

Pharmacological influence of Calan is explained by braking of a flow of calcium ions through the slowed-down calcic tubules of cellular covers of smooth muscle structure of vessels and a cardiac muscle. Calan is prescribed if it was diagnosed paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (except WPW syndrome), sinus tachycardia, premature atrial contraction, blinking and atrial flutter, stenocardia (inc. stress, postinfarction), arterial hypertension, hypertensive crisis, idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

Calan Calan
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