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Lipitor refers to inhibitors of hydroxymethylglutaryl coenzyme A-reductase. It is used to lower the level of LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) in the blood, total cholesterol, triglycerides (another kind of fat) and apolipoprotein B (protein required for cholesterol production). Lipitor is also used to increase the blood cholesterol level of HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol). It is necessary to reduce the risk of hardening of the arteries, which can lead to heart attacks, strokes and peripheral vascular diseases.

Lipitor Lipitor
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Erectile Dysfunction

Viagra Oral Jelly - a new formula of the drug Viagra. Sildenafil - 100 mg. It is prescribed for men with a weak potentiality. Helps to recover libido and to improve sexual activity. Accelerates process of excitement of reproductive system. It makes erection brighter. Considerably increases duration of sexual intercourse. Besides, drug has various pleasant tastes, it is convenient to carry in a pocket or in a purse. Hurry to try it!

Viagra Oral Jelly Viagra Oral Jelly
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Pain Relief

Celebrex - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. It has antiinflammatory, febrifugal and analgesic effect, slows down aggregation of thrombocytes. Oppressing COX-2, reduces quantity of Pg (preferentialy in the inflammation center), suppresses exudative and proliferative phases of inflammation. At prescribtion in high doses, prolonged use or specific features of an organism the selectivity decreases.

Celebrex Celebrex
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Pain Relief

NSAIDs; has an anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic effect associated with the suppression of COX1 and COX2 that regulate the synthesis of Pg. Used to inhibit miosis during surgery of cataracts in the treatment of inflammatory processes caused by surgery. It is also used in the prevention and treatment of cystoid edema of macular retina after surgical removal of cataracts.

Indocin Indocin
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Pain Relief

Mobic is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, which has anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, analgesic effect. It belongs to the class of oxicams; derived from the anoliefo acid. Used in symptomatic treatment of osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis (Bekhterev's disease) and other inflammatory and degenerative diseases, accompanied by pain syndrome.

Mobic Mobic
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Atarax - renders spasmolytic, sympatholytic and soft analgesic effect. Under the effect of the drug it is increased the general duration of a dream, reduction of quantity and duration of night awakenings, decreases the muscle tone, it does not cause memory disturbance. It isn't reffered to CNS depressants, but can oppress the activity of separate zones of subcrustal area. It possesses antihistaminic and bronchodilating effect. In usual therapeutic dose the drug has no effect on secretory and acid-forming. It is effective in treatment of itch at various allergic dermatitis, urticaria and eczema.

Atarax Atarax
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Erectile Dysfunction

Viagra with Duloxetine 100mg - one of the modern developments of physicians in the field of prevention and treatment of early ejaculation and extension of sexual contact. It was first produced in 2010 by Sunrise Remedies under the name Malegra DXT and in 3 years gained authority of doctors and trust of men of various nationalities. This drug contains two powerful active agents: Sildenafil (active ingredient of the drug Viagra) and Duloxetine (active ingredient of the drug Cymbalta). Action of Sildenafil, active agent of the drug Viagra, is known long ago and, most likely, does not need detailed description. Duloxetine-antidepressant with a soft action which is also used for prevention of early ejaculation. The combination of these two components in Malegra DXT allows to reach an excellent effect: to relax and concentrate only on sex, to reach a stable erection and to spend more time with a lady than usually.

Viagra with Duloxetine Viagra with Duloxetine
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Heart Disease

Tenorminis a cardioselective beta-adrenoblocker. It is based on a substance called Atenolol, which blocks nerve impulses, which leads to a decrease in the frequency and strength of the heartbeat. Atenolol has antihypertensive (lowers pressure), antianginal (eliminates the symptoms of myocardial ischemia) and antiarrhythmic (eliminates heart rhythm disturbances) by action.

Tenormin Tenormin
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Cleocin has bacteriostatic and bactericidal activity depending on concentration of drug, infectious process and condition of an organism of the patient. Active against aerobic and anaerobic streptococcus (except for enterococci), the majority of staphylococcus except for methicillin-resistant strains, bacteroids except for Bacteroides melaninogenicus, spindle-shaped bacteria

Cleocin Cleocin
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Allopurinol - a drug that promotes the excretion of uric acid and the removal of urinary calculi.

Allopurinol Allopurinol
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Erectile Dysfunction

Levitra with Dapoxetine - a mixture of Levitra 20 mg with Dapoxetine 60 mg, often called Super Vilitra, which principal parts dilate the vessels, influence on the tissues of the small pelvis, better the hardness of the penis muscles, making erection more real and become the obstacle to a rapid ejaculation.

Levitra with Dapoxetine Levitra with Dapoxetine
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General Health

Naltrexone - complex treatment of alcohol dependence. It is also attributed to the prevention of the pharmacological effects of exogenous opioids and the maintenance of a non-opioid state in patients with opioid dependence.

Naltrexone Naltrexone
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Blood Pressure

A thiazide diuretic of the average intensity, applied in arterial hypertension, edema syndrome of different origin, gestosis and diabetes insipidus. Reduces reabsorption of Na+ at the level of the Henle loop cortical segment, without affecting its segment lying in the medulla of the kidney that detects a weaker diuretic effect compared with furosemide.

Microzide Microzide
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An antifungal drug for oral and topical use in fungal diseases of the skin and nails. At low concentrations, it has fungicidal activity against dermatophytes.

Lamisil Lamisil
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An antimicrobial agent from the nitrofurans group, especially suitable for the treatment of urinary tract infections and prevention of infections after urologic surgery or examinations (cystoscopy, catheterization, etc.). The medicine disrupts the permeability of the cell membrane and protein synthesis in bacteria.

Macrobid Macrobid
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Pain Relief

Anti-migraine drug. Specific and selective agonist of 5-HT1-serotonin receptors, localized predominantly in the blood vessels of the brain and it does not affect other subtypes of 5-HT-serotonin receptors (5-HT2-7). Causes narrowing of the vessels of the carotid arterial bed, that supply extracranial and intracranial tissues with blood (vasodilation of the meninges and / or their edema is the main mechanism of migraine development in humans) without significantly affecting cerebral blood flow.

Imitrex Imitrex
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Women's Health

An anti-climax combined drug which has estrogenic and gestagenic effect, restores the balance of endogenous hormones.

Estrogens regulate the development of the female reproductive system functions’ preservation, the formation of female secondary sex characteristics. The list of indications includes: vasomotor symptoms associated with estrogen deficiency in the body, osteoporosis associated with estrogen deficiency, atrophic urethritis and atrophic vaginitis.

Provera Provera
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Skin Care

It is a combined drug with a fixed solution of dosages of active substances -lisinopril and amlodipine. The first one is a blocker of the enzyme peptidyl. The second hormone activates the discharge of aldosterone by the cortex. ACE restriction leads to reduced absorption of angiotensin.

Since the mechanism is based on the inhibition of the aldosterone and chemosin systems. The pill reduces an arterial pressure in people with high tension as well.

Betnovate Betnovate
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