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Women's Health

Fosamax - drug for treatment of Paget disease, osteoporosis at women in a postmenopause, osteoporosis at men, a hypercalcemia at malignant tumors. Active alendronate ingredient - non-hormonal specific inhibitor of an osteoclastic bone resorption, suppresses osteoclasts. Taking of Fosamax stimulates bone formation, recovers positive balance between a resorption and recovery of a bone, progressively increases the mineral density of bones, promotes formation of a normal bone tissue with normal histologic structure.

Fosamax Fosamax
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Erectile Dysfunction

Product description

Tadalafil Oral Strips are based on the Tadalafil 20 mg, the active component that provides the 36 hours effect.

Cialis Oral Strip 10 strips/pack Cialis Oral Strip 10 strips/pack
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Anti Viral

Capoten suppresses activity of angiotensin-converting-enzyme therefore angiotensin-I turns into angiotensin II - substance which has strong vasoconstrictive action. Capoten reduces secretion of Aldosteronum in suprarenal cortex, at the same time the delay of sodium and water in an organism decreases. Capoten slows down process of bradykinin destruction and promotes increase of E2 prostaglandin, and also nitrogen oxide that causes vasodilating action. Thanks to these effects it is decreased the increased arterial pressure, the general peripheric resistance decreases, pressure in the right auricle, in a small circle of blood circulation decreases and cordial emission increases.

Capoten Capoten
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A lipid-lowering agent. Reversibly inhibits HMG-COA reductase, inhibits the cholesterol synthesis at the stage of mevinolinic acid and moderately reduces its intracellular concentration. The indications for the drug use include: primary hypercholesterolemia mainly of IIa and IIb types, under the ineffective diet treatment in patients with increased risk of coronary atherosclerosis, hypercholesterolemia combined with hypertriglyceridemia; prevention of coronary artery disease. The drug decreases the risk of myocardial infarction, the need for revascularization of the myocardium, deaths from cardiovascular system diseases.

Pravachol Pravachol
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Erectile Dysfunction

Alprostadil is a medicine used to treat the symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction (impotence).

Alprostadil Alprostadil
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is given to patients for treating severe acne that do not respond to other medicines

Zyrtec Zyrtec
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Men`s Health

Casodex - racemic mix, a nonsteroid anti-androgen which does not influence endocrine system in any way. The mechanism of effect of active component consists in its ability to contact androgenic receptors of "wild type" and to oppress the activity, thereby, bringing a prostate tumor into a regression stage. Casodex is taken as a medicine for monotherapy, and as a part of complex treatment (radiation).

Casodex Casodex
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Dulcolax - purgative. Causes irritation of the receptor of bowels, exerts direct impact at mucous membrane of intestines, strengthening its peristaltics and increasing secretion of slime in a large intestine. It is effective at hypotonic and colonic inertia for regulation of fecal matter. Sometimes it is taken at preparation for surgeries, instrumental examinationand and radiological researches.

Dulcolax Dulcolax
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General Health

Zerit - treatment of infection caused by HIV, with severe clinical manifestations and ineffectiveness or intolerance of zidovudine, and other antiretroviral drugs. The nucleoside analogue of thymidine is phosphorylated by cellular enzymes to its active form - stavudine triphosphate. Suppresses reverse transcriptase of HIV, cellular DNA polymerases (beta and gamma), inhibits the synthesis of viral and mitochondrial DNA. It is active against HIV-1.

Zerit Zerit
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